Vodafone Helps Friends Being Friends

Grey London, 2014

Create a TV campaign to tell Irish teens and tweens that Vodafone Pay As You Go gives them the best value for their money. The offer included €4 IOU credit loans, free international minutes and unlimited text.

With the concept "Helps Friends Being Friends" we wanted to dramatize the benefits of Vodafone in a real and observed way, true to how our target audience use their phones and talk to their friends. These ads were directed by Ric Cantor.

“Grey has been creating campaigns with so much heart you want to hug your Vodafone mobile plan and hold it forever”

— australiancreative.com.au


We also pitched the mobile app Credit Bump to go with the concept. The app would allow friends to lend each other credit for a call. Just choose the amount and bump it on to your friends phone.

To make life more exciting for friends, the app would also included a reaction game where you could play each other for credit.


The Fitting Room film was named ad of the day in The Drum. The campaign was written about in creative blogs all over the world including Australian Creative.